Friday, April 17, 2009

Humbly submitted scattered Images from last Saturday, "Peeps Day" at BOW.

The Peeps...the peeps Oh the march of the peeps! When the peeps came marching home. The horror...there was Peeps horror! Gooey horror. A peeps crash-up and the toy ambulances got sticky loading up the little peeps bodies strewn everywhere. And there was chocolate! An awfully chocolate fountain moltenly spewing over the little yellow and pink and purple and blue peeps. Drowning them in a miasmic ooze...a veritable La Breya tar pit of sweetness into which the little peeps were dropped mercilessly. Some never emerged and periodically we had to clean the fountain pumps of dead drowned peeps bodies. Pushed into the volcano as sacrifices to their makers...their gods. Oh the horror...the horror. Then as peeps emerged from the fountain of peeps death they were thrown in the merciless maws of their human tormentors. You could just hear the peeps screaming. This was the coliseum where lions ate the condemned. It was horrible! The chocolate glistened on lips and dripped off chins and stained white sweaters and the Sunday dresses of little girls who...just...didn'!

Long before the peeps were finished a pack of flowered blonde urchins attacked the sugar packages used for coffee and tore them to ribbons, greedily swallowing the granules, eyes bulging, throats drying, arteries accelerating, youth fleeting. They squealed in delight as some of us backed away in fear and revulsion. Such pretty little girls. Such dangerous behavior! I looked onto the patio and god, what was he doing?...there was a father spinning his little peeps-flushed daughter in circles. She squealed in delight; eyes bulging, throat drying, arteries screaming. What was this new madness?

Tragedy ensued before we could intervene.

A Kodachrome fountain emitted from the gasping, laughing, squealing pigtailed child, discoloring the moment with fluid yellow, pink, purple and blue, now all stuck together in reverse order. A ribbon of shame and excess sticking to all it touched like an alien blob attacking its prey. The peeps had turned on the humans! The consumption had turned bad and the true horror was just beginning.

Off to the left another dad began spinning his daughter. The children! They were secretly trying to kill their children! Who knew that wine and peeps could mix so dangerously? Remorseless parents, their inner needs for release from parenting realized in the freedom of Bacchus, given the awful tools by me...BY ME! finish it once and for all! A massive peeps overdose! A Jonestown of peeps.

Forget the Kool-aid, BOW's got PEEPS!

Bring on the ambulances...bwaaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaa!!! You're too late! ICU room 7 stat! We're free...We're free! I could see the headlines: "Seven lost to peeps poisoning, dozens still being pumped, hospital a shambles!" Ruination! All for nothing! BOW bankrupt and Sharon and I on the street. All because of the peeps. Oh...the...peeps...